When you want to take seriously the route of rosé all day. One thing we can be sure the internet has become is the source of everything you can ever imagine. And then, the Internet push it a bit more.
Google Art: ventana virtual al mundo de la moda
La nueva plataforma de Cultura y Artes de Google promete ser el recurso que necesitas para sumergirte y navegar en las actuales exposiciones de moda al rededor del mundo. Desde la comodidad de tu pantalla mas cercana. No
3 snacks saludables para hacer con niños
Comer saludablemente puede ser un reto, especialmente si la prisa y la creatividad son factores a considerar. Si tu caso es como el mío, tengo una pequeña personita de vacaciones que, mientras está en la casa, ronda el refrigerador y
Down to the fashion rabbit hole
Google’s new arts and culture platform promise to be the one resource you need to jump and dive the current fashion exhibitions around the world. From the comfort of your nearest screen. Not so long ago, I hired an assistant
Fotografías de belleza mexicana en museo de Nueva York
Celebrando la herencia mexicana y latinoamericana a través de la dignificar la belleza del tono del piel moreno a través de una exhibición fotográfica en el museo Whitney de Nueva York y el hashtag #SERMEXICANOESBELLO Una publicación compartida de Mexicano (@mexicanomx)
Facial Yoga routines for better skin
Does facial yoga routines are the real deal? They are, for sure, a popular self-care beauty routine for sure! I remember my mom telling to stop making faces as a reaction to every word she said. Now I understand that
5 tips to shop your closet the right way
Learn how to be a sustainable fashion consumer with simple tips and ideas. In support of Sustainability Week and looking to be involved in the Fashion Revolution Week movement, I am sharing different tips to become a more conscious consumer when
How I learned to conquer my credit anxiety
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Chase and #WeAllGrow Latina Network. However, the opinions and text are all mine. This is the story of a freelance woman who moved from her country of origin to the
4 quick coconut oil face mask recipes
If you find yourself troubled by oily skin, dry skin, acne breakouts, skin discoloration, or even fine lines and wrinkles, you can benefit greatly from using a simple facial mask once per week. I am a sucker for Korean beauty
Querida moda mexicana: ¿Por qué no soy tu target?
Necesitamos ser honestas y aceptar que tenemos problemas para ajustarnos una a la otra. Siempre que voy a presentaciones de moda mexicana contemporánea, o alguien del equipo editorial transmite live stream de los eventos, veo diseños que me gusta: Zapatos,
Tintes de pelo que cambian de color
¿Y si pudieras cambiar el color de tu pelo con calor? Varias compañías están trabajando en tintes de pelo cuya capacidad de cambio de color se activa con calor. En el momento de la publicación de este post, dos
Hair dyes that are color-game changers
What about you being able to change your hair color with heath? Companies are working on heath-activated hair dies right now. By today, two different companies have shared their innovations in thermo reactive hair dye. Inspired by occult glamour, the
5 dental care tricks for infants and toddlers
Taking care of your infant’s baby teeth and gums set the stage for a healthy smile. I had really bad teeth when I was a young kid. My mouth was too small to accommodate my full denture and it took
Los 12 tips de estilo de una parisina
París ha hecho, desde hace mucho tiempo, una extraordinaria labor de fomento turístico y, de una u otra manera, logra hacernos suspirar desde las primeras sílabas de sus pronunciación. A mi me encanta, aunque he sabido de varias historias
10 Reasons to watch Hidden Figures with kids
Yes, seeing representation of women in science is still groundbreaking and it has to be normalized. Let alone the fantastic performances by Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe and Octavia Spencer (which is already a great reason why to do it). I was
Estilo Manifiesto #21 Ep. 6 T.3
Lady Gaga está aprovechando su influencia fashionista para lanzar una colección cápsula de memorabilia. Karl Lagerfeld no sabe pedir disculpas, y Meryl Streep dice que «sigue esperando». La piratería en los productos de lujo ha llegado a niveles de alto