Sometimes is not about the number of new clothes you get but which ones you actually get. It might seem like you are constantly shopping for new pieces but it is easy to feel like every outfit looks the same
Extended-size fashion brands breakdown

It seems that brands and stores are finally getting the memo: this Spring there is a lot of extended-size fashion brands blooming in retail. Some are new additions to well-known brands, others are collaborations between two creative household names and
What happen to the clothes shown in the runway?

What is a runway for when the clothing obviously will never be worn again? For years I had the same question and it was partially the reason I started studying and got certified as a fashion stylist. So when I
Down to the fashion rabbit hole

Google’s new arts and culture platform promise to be the one resource you need to jump and dive the current fashion exhibitions around the world. From the comfort of your nearest screen. Not so long ago, I hired an assistant
5 tips to shop your closet the right way

Learn how to be a sustainable fashion consumer with simple tips and ideas. In support of Sustainability Week and looking to be involved in the Fashion Revolution Week movement, I am sharing different tips to become a more conscious consumer when
How much should I spend in clothes?

Oh, this is a question that a lot of people makes me when we are about to start the personal shopping experience. It, actually, didn’t surprised me that much when I found that same question on Quora, but what actually