DISNEY’S MAGICAL HOLIDAY COMEDY “GODMOTHERED” TO DEBUT ON DISNEY+ ON DECEMBER 4, 2020 In case you have been living under the rock, by now you probably know already that Disney+ is the dedicated streaming home for movies and shows from Disney,
Like A Boss movie or why to keep friendships between females

I went on to watch a pre-screening of Like a Boss movie thanks to We All Grow Latinas, and I ended up thinking hard about female friendship and the entrepreneurial world. If you ever have had a friend, you know
This soundtrack brought my daughter and I closer

The new soundtrack from the movie «The Greatest Showman» has more than one surprise. This post is sponsored by Atlantic Records but all opinions are my own. I have a pre-teen daughter who is pushing the boundaries (and too many of
Wrapping gifts for foster kids via Instant Family the movie!

I am SO ready to become one of Santa’s elf! Last Sunday I attended a gathering designed to create more awareness about the kids living in the foster care system and celebrate the releasing of the movie Instant Family. L.A Mamacitas