Spring blossoming trends to shop for.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Kohl’s and Latina Bloggers Connect. The opinions and text are all mine.
When I decide it’s time for change to come, I start at my own home. And I know you would too.
Last weekend my daughter decided to clean her room. Like seriously cleaning it: She separated clothes she’s not wearing anymore, checked out all her toys to dispose what is not longer useful, and decided which ones were going to the donation box and what she really wanted to keep (AKA all the stuffed animals she has been collecting in 8 years of life). I have to say she did an amazing job.
I have been too, separating stuff to donate and trying to keep in my closet a much lighter options that doesn’t look like I throw on the first thing I found, but I don’t want it to look like I tried too hard. To accomplish this, I know it’s necessary to have pieces of clothing that can be worn with most of my outwear and shoes, as it is the way to have a integrated style that reflex my personality and doesn’t kill my wallet.
Once I checked what I have on my closet + checking Mini’s clothing options for warmer weather + the upcoming Easter holiday -that we happily celebrate each year-, I decided to go shopping. So, the whole family was taken to Kohl’s to check out their selection for Spring and Easter clothes, as I collected ideas on Pinterest board.
I shared on Snapchat (you can find me as Guapologa there) our adventure, but it disappeared 24 hours later [insert sad face here]. So I decided to create a full video with my shopping story, and now you can watch it here.
I ended up buying super cute kids clothing and, as I totally knew, even some toys for Mini, including a stuffed bunny now called Carrots. Also, I got some Spring clothes for myself, including the pink dress and the blue and white gingham shirt that you can see in the video.

One of my family’s traditions on Easter Sunday is to have an egg hunt. The eggs are not boiled, as I have seen most people use in the US; instead, we only use the egg shells that we previously emptied, painted and decorated. Inside the egg shells there is some candies, confetti or any other surprise for the scavengers to enjoy. This year I also decided to integrate some modest Easter decoration to the kitchen, mostly because I felt in love with this towels.

I love how we can connect older traditions with new ones that make so much sense to a bicultural family!
Do you have any traditions when Spring comes? Or, if you celebrate Easter, do you also do an egg hunt? Tell me in the comments below!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Kohl’s and Latina Bloggers Connect. The opinions and text are all mine.
I use to love Easter when I was little girl. My family would always go to the park and have bbq and of course do a egg hunt. One year it was raining so hard on Easter, but I still wanted to go to the park. I was such a brat, my parents took me and we had Easter in the rain! LOL
That’s such a sweet memory! I still love Easter and I hope we will create that kind of memories on my girl 😀